Committed to explore opportunities for sustainable development
Welcome to the Development Dimensions Society
Development Dimensions Society (DDS) is an non-governmental organization, formed by some committed motivated young development professionals. We all have a common goal – helping you!
These passionate people took the social development of youth, women and children as their enduring social commitment. However, as it name implies research is the backbone of all the development initiatives for broadening the learning base and sharing the experiences and knowledge gained with many others alike. There are different development models/ approaches used in the history to cater various segments of community. But human resource development is always considered to be the best approach for optimum utilization of any other form of resources, and hence making the interventions more sustainable and workable. The formation of Development Dimensions Society (DDS) is a step towards building capacity of human resources that is competent and dynamic enough to meet the challenges of the new millennium. DDS is focusing its efforts on delivering assistance to strengthen civil society through capacity building and encouraging active participation of communities inlocal governance by linking the poor to local government and helping them to attain a greater voice to advocate for their rights. In addition, Human Resource pool of .
DDS is equipped enough to share its experience in designing, implementing and monitoring Youth & women Empowerment, Human Rights, Child labor, Gender, Education, communal health, Microfinance and Advocacy projects. We believe that a lot of work has been done in development sector, which still needs to be explored and put together for integrated / sustainable development in Pakistan. Therefore, DDS is striving to build partnerships with local and international organizations, to avoid duplication and for proper utilization of development resources in Pakistan.